2020-02-09 Boating - Belle Chain Islets

A fun winter boat ride from Pender Island, through Boat Pass (Saturna Island), along Anniversary Island and Belle Chain Islets.
We counted around 15 Bald Eagles, a good 100 Harbour Seals and a few hundred Steller Sea Lions and a handful of California Sea Lions.
  • 2020-02-09 Belle Chain-26

    • 2020-02-09 Belle Chain-26
  • 2020-02-09 Belle Chain-27

    • 2020-02-09 Belle Chain-27
  • 2020-02-09 Belle Chain-28

    • 2020-02-09 Belle Chain-28
  • 2020-02-09 Belle Chain-29

    • 2020-02-09 Belle Chain-29
  • 2020-02-09 Belle Chain-30

    • 2020-02-09 Belle Chain-30
  • 2020-02-09 Belle Chain-31

    • 2020-02-09 Belle Chain-31
  • 2020-02-09 Belle Chain-32

    • 2020-02-09 Belle Chain-32
  • 2020-02-09 Belle Chain-33

    • 2020-02-09 Belle Chain-33


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